January 2017 Third Sector Awareness Causes ~ Causas Solidarias Enero 2017


This is the listing of the AWARENESS CAUSES commemorated in JANUARY:
•Birth Defects Prevention (National)                                                
•Blood Donor (National)
•Braille Literacy Month (National)
•Celebration of Life
•Cervical Cancer
•Child Centered Divorce (International)
•Eye Care
•Folic Acid
•Glaucoma Awareness (National)
•Healthy Weight Mentoring (National)
•Poison Prevention Poverty in America Awareness (National)
•Quality of Life (International)
•Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness (National)
•Stalking Awareness (National)
•Thyroid Cancer
•Thyroid Diseases
•Volunteer Blood Donor (National)

 1- World Day of Peace                                                                                                               

 1 to 7- Celebration of  Life Week                                                                       

 2- National Motivation and Inspiration Day

 4 – World Braille Day

 8 to 14- National Folic Acid Awareness Week

8- War on Poverty Day

11- National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

15- Humanitarian Day

15- World Religion Day

16- Religious Freedom Day

16- National Day of Service

16 to 20- Healthy Weight Week

7- Pro Life Day

17- World Religion Day

17- International Mentoring Day

19- Mentor Thank You Day

22- Celebration of Life Day

27- Holocaust Memorial Day

29- Seeing Eye Dog Day

29- National Pre School Fitness Day

29- World Leprosy Day


Este es el listado de las CAUSAS SOLIDARIAS celebradas en ENERO:
•Acoso (Acecho) (Nacional)
•Calidad de Vida (Internacional)
•Cancer Cervical
•Celebración de la Vida
•Cuidado de Ojos
•Defectos de Nacimiento
•Donante Voluntario de Sangre
•Enfermedades de Tiroides
•Glaucoma (Nacional)
•Peso Saludable
•Pobreza en America (Nacional)
•Prevención de Envenenamiento
•Trafico Humano y Esclavitud (Nacional)

1- Día Mundial de la Paz

 1 to 7- Semana de Celebracion de la Vida

2-Día Nacional de Motivacion e Inspiracion

4 – Día Mundial del Braille

8 to 14– Semana Nacional de Concienciacion Acido Folico

8- Guerra hacia la Pobreza

11-Día Nacional Concienciacion del Trafico Humano 

15-Día Humanitario

15-Día Mundial de la Religion

16-Día de la Libertad Religiosa

16-Día Nacional de Servicio

16 to 20- Semana del Peso Saludable

7-Día Pro Vida

17-Día Internacional de los Mentores

19-Día Agradecimiento a Mentores

22- Celebracion of la Vida

27- Memorial del Holocausto

29- Perros Guardianes (Seeing Eye Dog)

29-Día Nacional Preescolar de Bienestar

29-Día Mundial de la Lepra